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Genomics & Informatics is owned and published by the Korea Genome Organization (KOGO). It is published four times a year in a printed version and on-line. Genomics & Informatics welcomes high-quality research papers presenting novel data on the topics of gene discovery, comparative genome analyses, molecular and human evolution, informatics, genome structure and function, technological innovations and applications, statistical and mathematical methods, cutting-edge genetic and physical mapping and DNA sequencing, and other reports that present data where sequence information is used to address biological concerns. The journal publishes papers based on original research that are judged after editorial review to make a substantial contribution to the understanding of any area of genomics or informatics.
Types of papers: Three types of papers may be submitted, fulllength papers, rapid communications, and application notes. Papers should be as concise as possible. Authors are urged to keep the length of papers below ten printed pages (30 typed pages of manuscript in double spacing including figures and tables). Genomics & Informatics also publishes minireviews, but only after invitation by the Editor. Rapid communications are intended to rapidly communicate novel ideas and results in new and developing areas of genome research that are of special interest or wide applicability. Application notes are short communications about novel software, new algorithm implementations, database and network services (web services, and interfaces), strictly limited to 2 printed pages (approx. 1400 words or 1000 words plus one figure). Unlike articles, application notes do not contain research data.

Language of paper: All manuscripts should be written in English. Authors whose first language is not English are requested to have their manuscripts checked carefully for linguistic correctness before submission. All manuscripts accepted for publication are checked for English by the professional English Editor in KOGO. Authors are required to pay for the proper fee (average rate is US$100) depending on the number of corrections. Each figure should consist of a single high-quality print ready for scanning and reduction to fit the printed page of the journal. Papers that do not fit these criteria will be returned to the authors.

Page charges: There is a US$20.00 (₩24,000) charge per page for all published manuscripts. Under exceptional circumstances, page charges will be waived if deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board. Authors unable to pay page charges may apply at the time of submission for a waiver of page charges.

Color charges: Authors will be assessed US$167(₩200,000) for each page with color figure(s). Color figures can generally reproduced in acceptable quality in black and white if authors are unwilling or unable to pay for color charges.

Ethics: The manuscript that reports studies of either human subjects or materials obtained from human subjects must state in the Material and Methods section that the study was approved by the appropriate institutional review board (IRB). All clinical investigation must have been conducted according to Declaration of Helsinki principles. All experiments on live animals must be performed in accordance with relevant institutional and national guidelines and regulations.

Papers should be submitted to: Editor, Genomics & Informatics, Korea Genome Organization, Room No. 806, 193 Mallijae-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 04501, Korea (Web site:, Tel: +82-2-558-9394, Fax: +82-2-558-9434, E-mail address : Three print copies of each manuscript including one original set with high quality graphics should be provided. Each page of manuscript should be labeled with the first author name and a page number. All submitted manuscripts should contain original research that has not been published elsewhere. Following acceptance of a manuscript, authors are required to submit a diskette containing the final version of the manuscript in a word processor file. The label on the diskette should indicate the date, journal name, manuscript number, first author name, manuscript title, type of hardware, software program and version number used. The manuscript could be submitted by E-mail to The Microsoft word software program is recommended to use preparing manuscript.
Title page
The title page should give the names of all authors and their complete mailing addresses including the name, the telephone and fax numbers, and the E-mail address of the corresponding author.

A single paragraph of fewer than 250 words. References should not be cited in the Summary.

Running Title
No more than 50 characters (including spaces).

The keywords of less than six should be appended to the abstract in alphabetical order. When possible, the keywords should be adjusted to Medical Subject Heading of Index Medicus.

Succinct, with no subheadings.

This section should contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be repeated, in conjunction with cited references.

Results and Discussion
These sections may each be divided by subheadings or may be combined. In discussion section, a future direction would be proposed. Footnotes should not be used and will be transferred to the text. Gene symbols should be italicized; protein products are not italicized. Nonstandard abbreviations should be defined when first used in the text. All text should be letter quality and double spaced.

An information concerning the sources of financial support should be placed in the acknowledgement.

The references include only articles that are published or in press. Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts, abstracts, and personal communications should be cited within the text only. Please use the following style for references:

Article in a periodical: Park, J., Lappe, M., and Teichmann, S.A. (2001). Mapping Protein Family Interactions: Intramolecular and Intermolecular Protein Family Interaction Repertories in the PDB and Yease. J. Mol. Biol. 307, 929-938.

Article in a book: Sorenson, P.W. and Caprio, J.C. (1998). Chemoreception. In The Physiology of Fishes, D.H. Evans, ed. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press), pp. 375-405.

An entire book: Cowan, W.M., Jessell, T.M., and Zipursky, S.L. (1997). Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development (New York: Oxford University Press).

Web site: Puniyani, A.R. AND Lukose, R.M. (2001). Growing random networks under constraints.

Each copy of a submitted manuscript should be provided with a set of figures of sufficient quality for reviewers to judge the data. Multipaneled figures should be indicated by a bar scale. Color figures will be included only when in the reviewers opinions they are essential.

Figure Legends and Tables
Legends and tables should be included in the submitted manuscript as separate sections, following the style of the journal. Each figure legend should have a brief and separate title that describe the entire figure without citing specific panels. All figures should be created with applications that are capable of preparing high resolution TIFF or EPS files(600dpi) acceptable for publication

Applications Notes
Summary for Applications Notes are much shorter than those for and Original research article. They are structured with four headings: Summary, Availability, Contact, and Supplementary Information.

Distribution of Material
Publication of a research article in Genomics & Informatics is taken to imply that the authors are prepared to distribute freely to academic researchers for their own use any materials (e.g., cells, DNA, antibodies) used in the published experiments. In cases of dispute, authors may be required to make primary data available to the Editor. Nucleic acid and protein sequences as well as X-ray crystallographic coordinates should be deposited in the appropriate database.

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Editorial Office
Room No. 806, 193 Mallijae-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 04501, Korea
Tel: +82-2-558-9394    Fax: +82-2-558-9434    E-mail:                

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