MitGEN: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism DB Browser for Human Mitochondrial Genome. |
Hyun Seok Park, Seung Uk Lee |
1Institute of Bioinformatics, Macrogen Inc., Seoul 153-023, 2Department of Computer Science,Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-75, Korea. |
Abstract |
Recently completed mitochondrial genome databses from public resources provide us with a better understanding of individual mitochondrial genomes for population genomics. By determining the substitution rate of the genomic sequences, it is plausible to derive dates on the phylogenetic tree and build a chronology of events in the evolution of human species. MitGEN is specially designed as a mitochondrial genome browser for analyzing, comparing and visualizing single nucleotide polymorphism for human mitochondrial genomes between human races for comparative genomics.It is a standalone application and is available free for non-commercial work. |
visualization; mitochondrial genome; bioinformatics |