A Simple and Fast Web Alignment Tool for Large Amount of Sequence Data. |
Yong Seok Lee, Jeongsu Oh |
Korean Bioinformation Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon 305-806, Korea. dolsemtl@kribb.re.kr |
Abstract |
Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is the most important step for many of biological sequence analyses, homology search, and protein structural assignments.
However, large amount of data make biologists difficult to perform MSA analyses and it requires much computational time to align many sequences. Here, we have developed a simple and fast web alignment tool for aligning, editing, and visualizing large amount of sequence data. We used a cluster server installed ClustalW-MPI using web services and message passing interface (MPI). It also enables users to edit multiple sequence alignments for manual editing and to download the input data and results such as alignments and phylogenetic tree. |
alignment; ClustalW-MPI; large data; Jalview; parallel process |