ManBIF: a Program for Mining and Managing Biobank Impact Factor Data. |
Ki Jin Yu, Jungmin Nam, Yun Her, Minseock Chu, Hyungseok Seo, Junwoo Kim, Jaepil Jeon, Hyekyung Park, Kiejung Park |
1Division of Bio-Medical Informatics, Center for Genome Science, National Institute of Health, Cheongwon-gun 363-951, Korea. 2Division of Korea BioBank, Center for Genome Science, National Institute of Health, Cheongwon-gun 363-951, Korea. |
Abstract |
Biobank Impact Factor (BIF), which is a very effective criterion to evaluate the activity of biobanks, can be estimated by the citation information of biobanks from scientific papers. We have developed a program, ManBIF, to investigate the citation information from PDF files in the literature. The program manages a dictionary for expressions to represent biobanks and their resources, mines the citation information by converting PDF files to text files and searching with a dictionary, and produces a statistical report file. It can be used as an important tool by biobanks. |
biobank; Biobank Impact Factor Data |