Development of KHapmap Browser using DAS for Korean HapMap Research. |
Hoon Jin, Seung Ho Kim, Young Uk Kim, Young Kyu Park, Mihyun Ji, Young Joo Kim |
1Medical Genomics Research Center, Korea. 2Instrumental Analysis Laboratory, KRIBB, Daejeon 305-806, Korea. |
Abstract |
The Korean HapMap Project has been carried out for the last 5 years since it started in June, 2003. The project generated data for a sum of 1,764,000 Korean SNPs and formally registered the data to the dbSNP of NCBI (The dbSNP website. 2008). We have developed a series of software programs for association studies as well as for the comparison and analysis of Korean HapMap data with four other populations (CEPH, Yoruba, Han Chinese, and Japanese populations). The KHapmap Browser was developed and integrated to provide haplotype retrieval and comparative study tools of human ethnicities for comprehensive disease association studies ( On that basis, GBrowse was adopted in the KHapmap Browser for inherent Korean genetic data, and a provision of extended services was pledged with the distributed sequence annotation system (DAS). The dynamic linking service of the KHapmap Browser to other tools in our intranetwork environment provides many enhanced functions over GBrowse without DAS. KHapmap Browser is expected to be an invaluable tool for the study of Korean and international Hapmap data. |
Korean; SNP; browser; DAS; Hapmap; association |