Comparative genome characterization of Leptospira interrogans from mild and severe leptospirosis patients
Songtham Anuntakarun, Vorthon Sawaswong, Rungrat Jitvaropas, Kesmanee Praianantathavorn, Witthaya Poomipak, Yupin Suputtamongkol, Chintana Chirathaworn, Sunchai Payungporn
Genomics Inform. 2021;19(3):e31  Published online 2021 Sep 30     DOI:
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Insights into host-pathogen interaction based on the comparison of genomes of Leptospira interrogans isolated from dogs, humans, and a rodent in the same epidemiological context: A one health approach
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Heliyon.2025; 11(1): e41531.     CrossRef