Analysis of unmapped regions associated with long deletions in Korean whole genome sequences based on short read data
Yuna Lee, Kiejung Park, Insong Koh
Genomics Inform. 2019;17(4):e40  Published online 2019 Dec 20     DOI:
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Another lesson from unmapped reads: in-depth analysis of RNA-Seq reads from various horse tissues
Artur Gurgul, Tomasz Szmatoła, Ewa Ocłoń, Igor Jasielczuk, Ewelina Semik-Gurgul, Carrie J. Finno, Jessica L. Petersen, Rebecca Bellone, Erin N. Hales, Tomasz Ząbek, Zbigniew Arent, Małgorzata Kotula-Balak, Monika Bugno-Poniewierska
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